Thursday, November 20, 2008

Verse of the Day 11/20

Through the Bible - Ezekiel 25-26, James 4

Good morning,

For today's verse we'll go back to the Old Testament to a passage that was part of yesterday's reading outlined above. The nation had fallen from God. There were prophets such as Jeremiah and Ezekiel, but they were not enough to turn the people from there sins. As with other prophets before them, going all the way back to Abraham, their faith looked forward.

Many in this country were and still are hoping for someone that would lead this nation to where it should be. They have put their hopes in human leaders. Maybe new policies, new tax breaks, redistribution of wealth might help them. If it were God doing the looking today, I'm afraid that he would have the same answer as in Ezekiel 22.

Ezek 22:29 The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. 30 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. NKJV
Ezek 22:26-29

The Message may give us a more modern perspective:

"'Your priests violated my law and desecrated my holy things. They can't tell the difference between sacred and secular. They tell people there's no difference between right and wrong. They're contemptuous of my holy Sabbaths, profaning me by trying to pull me down to their level. Your politicians are like wolves prowling and killing and rapaciously taking whatever they want. Your preachers cover up for the politicians by pretending to have received visions and special revelations. They say, "This is what God, the Master, says . . ." when God hasn't said so much as one word. Extortion is rife, robbery is epidemic, the poor and needy are abused, outsiders are kicked around at will, with no access to justice.'

I heard it said on a new program yesterday that 74% of Americans polled believed that Barak Obama was the one person that could lead this country out of the economic crisis that we are facing. That's putting a lot of hope in one person.

MacArthur comments "Ezekiel and Jeremiah were faithful, but apart from them God sought a man capable of advocacy for Israel when it's sin had gone so far. But no one could lead the nation to repentance and draw the nation back from the brink of judgement that came in 586 B.C. (Jer. 7:26,35) Only God's Messiah, God Himself, will have the character and the credentials sufficient to do what no man can do, intercede for Israel."

Have you ever wondered "who will be the next D.L. Moody, or Billy Graham, that will lead a spiritual revival in this nation? It's not one person or group of people that will solve the "spiritual crisis" in our nation. It is the same One whom John MacArthur referenced that had the credentials then and now that could stand in the gap, the Saviour Jesus Christ. Only Jesus, and the power of the Holy Spirit working in hearts and lives can bring about the change.

In Christ,

23 And the word of the Lord came to me, saying, 24 "Son of man, say to her: 'You are a land that is not cleansed or rained on in the day of indignation.' 25 The conspiracy of her prophets in her midst is like a roaring lion tearing the prey; they have devoured people; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in her midst. 26 Her priests have violated My law and profaned My holy things; they have not distinguished between the holy and unholy, nor have they made known the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they have hidden their eyes from My Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. 27 Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, to shed blood, to destroy people, and to get dishonest gain. 28 Her prophets plastered them with untempered mortar, seeing false visions, and divining lies for them, saying, 'Thus says the Lord God,' when the Lord had not spoken. 29 The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. 30 So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. 31 Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads," says the Lord God.
Ezek 22:23-31 (NKJV)

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