Saturday, May 17, 2014

Verse of the Day 5/17

Philippians 2:13  for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.   English Standard Version (ESV)
Over the past few days I've heard the song "Oceans" on the radio a couple of times.  What caught my attention was the call for the Spirit to lead "where my faith is without borders."  Following God, following through thick and thin, requires that His Spirit be leading us.  I read this morning's verse from Philippians 2 and what caught my attention here were the words "to will and to work".  His Sprit working in us changes our will, away from our natural desires to live godly lives for Him.
These are not just "whimsical emotions" or spur of the moment actions but are rooted in what John MacArthur calls "a studied intent to fulfill a planned purpose", His purpose for our life.  We aren't wandering aimlessly, we are living according to a plan and a purpose.
Pastor James MacDonald writes, "We can't duplicate what Jesus did, but we can imitate Him. Authentic Christians don't drift in His steps, or wander in roughly the same direction—we follow Him. We love like He did, serve like He did, and live sacrificial lives like He did. The world sits up and takes notice when people who call themselves Christians actually behave like Jesus."
All of these thoughts together brought me to the old hymn "May the Mind of Christ Dwell Richly"
  1. May the mind of Christ, my Savior,
    Live in me from day to day,
    By His love and pow'r controlling
    All I do and say.
  2. May the Word of God dwell richly
    In my heart from hour to hour,
    So that all may see I triumph
    Only through His pow'r.
  3. May I run the race before me,
    Strong and brave to face the foe,
    Looking only unto Jesus
    As I onward go.
The hymn was based on a verse from a little earlier in the chapter:
Philippians 2:5   Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,    English Standard Version (ESV)  May we have this mind among us today "to will and to work" for Him.
In Christ,

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Eph 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace  NIV

Philippians 2:12-16

The Message (MSG)

Rejoicing Together

12-13 What I'm getting at, friends, is that you should simply keep on doing what you've done from the beginning. When I was living among you, you lived in responsive obedience. Now that I'm separated from you, keep it up. Better yet, redouble your efforts. Be energetic in your life of salvation, reverent and sensitive before God. That energy is God's energy, an energy deep within you, God himself willing and working at what will give him the most pleasure.

14-16 Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I'll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns. You'll be living proof that I didn't go to all this work for nothing.

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