Sunday, September 23, 2012

Verse of the Day 9/23

 Psalm 150:1-2 Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
    praise him according to his excellent greatness!   (ESV)
I read Psalm 150 recently and it has stayed on my mind for some time, for several reasons.  The first thing that came to mind was verse two which speaks of God's "excellent greatness" which immediately brought to mind a favorite old hymn.  The familiar refrain goes like this.

Praise Him! Praise Him!
Tell of His excellent greatness.
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Ever in joyful song!

Praising him transcends time.  Through the ages God has ordained praise and from antiquity people have used various instruments, stringed, wood, and cymbals to praise Him, in joyful song.
Our  Worship Pastor, Jeromy Acton "modernized" the old hymn "Oh the Deep Deep Love of Jesus" in his work "The Deep".  In it he used some of today's instruments to bring some new "depth" to the already deep words of the hymn.

O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward to Thy glorious rest above!


O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o'er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth, watcheth o'er them from the throne!


O the deep, deep love of Jesus, love of every love the best!
'Tis an ocean full of blessing, 'tis a haven giving rest!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, 'tis a heaven of heavens to me;
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee!


May we praise Him today and forever for the depths of His love.


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Psalm 150   English Standard Version (ESV)

Let Everything Praise the Lord

150 Praise the Lord!
Praise God in his sanctuary;
    praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
    praise him according to his excellent greatness!

Praise him with trumpet sound;
    praise him with lute and harp!
Praise him with tambourine and dance;
    praise him with strings and pipe!
Praise him with sounding cymbals;
    praise him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!

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