Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Verse of the Day 4/29

Hebrews 13:14-15  For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.  15 Therefore, let us offer through Jesus a continual sacrifice of praise to God, proclaiming our allegiance to his name.  New Living Translation (NLT)
Early on in the Bible we are taught to recognize that it is God who provides for our needs and gives us the ability not only to survive but to be successful and prosper.  (Deut. 8:18)  But our prosperity, physical and spiritual is not something that is that is to be stockpiled, held among insiders, in our holy huddles.  It is to be shared as a spiritual act of praise.
In his Day by Day devotional Billy Graham quotes Emerson who said "What you are speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say."  It is a sobering statement, and one that should causes us to take a step back and look at ourselves in the mirror of God's Word.  We've often heard that our actions speak louder than words. These thoughts can be looked at from two ways.  Yes, our lives should back up what we profess, at the same time our actions should be backed up by what they are founded on.  Both are required if we are to give glory to God in and through our lives.
If we do good things anything that comes back to us should be turned over to God in praise. The things that we say should be backed up by and confirmed by our actions.  In this way God can be given the glory, the praise for what we say and do.
Read the verses from The Message below.  May we take our lives, in word and deed, out into the world to where the action is in allegiance and praise.
Follow the verse of the day at www.mikesvotd.blogspot.com

Hebrews 13:15

The Message (MSG)
13-15 So let's go outside, where Jesus is, where the action is—not trying to be privileged insiders, but taking our share in the abuse of Jesus. This "insider world" is not our home. We have our eyes peeled for the City about to come. Let's take our place outside with Jesus, no longer pouring out the sacrificial blood of animals but pouring out sacrificial praises from our lips to God in Jesus' name.

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