Friday, February 19, 2016

Verse of the Day 2/19

Acts 12:5     So Peter was kept in prison, but earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church.   English Standard Version (ESV)

I've recently referred to some of the trials in our family's life and how God answered prayer and brought us through.  It is in those time that being part of a local congregation, a part of the family of God is so important.  I don't know exactly how prayer works, whether or not the prayers of a whole congregation and beyond are more effective than an individual's prayers are, we'll have to wait until after this life to find that out, but one thing I do know it encouraged us knowing that others had our backs, and  were supporting us daily in prayer.  Beyond that, their lives and actions of support were a testimony to those around us.

In his daily devotional today Greg Laurie quoted Martin Lloyd Jones who said, "Of all of the blessings of a Christian's salvation, none is greater than this. We have access to God in prayer."  He continues, " Think about the daunting challenge the church of the first century faced. They had no political base, no voting block in the Roman Senate, and no emperor of Rome who was sympathetic toward them. The first Christians did not outargue the pagans; they outlived them. Christianity made no attempts to conquer paganism and dead Judaism blow by blow. Instead, the Christians of the first century outfought, outlived, and outprayed the nonbelievers."

The last line caught my attention, those persecuted Christians outfought, outlived and outprayed the nonbelievers.  We should realize that praying is not only done by believers, many pray to various gods but their prayers never get past the ceiling.  But the "strenuous prayers" (The Message) of the church, of believers opened up chains, cell doors and allowed Peter to walk out of that jail to the surprise and joy to those who were praying for him.

Christians today are being persecuted and need our prayers.  Others are in chains in their situations with health issues, relationships, finances and any number of things.  If you know of people in your church that are facing challenging times, pray for them.  Find out the specifics and pray about them.  Such praying creates awareness and opportunities for God people to "outfight, outlive, and outpray" the nonbelievers and the scoffers to the glory of God.

At the end of Acts 12 we read, "  Meanwhile, the ministry of God's Word grew by leaps and bounds." (v.24 THE MESSAGE).  If we apply this to our lives and in our church we will see the ministry of His Word grow by leaps and bounds.


Acts 12:1-5The Message (MSG)
Peter Under Heavy Guard
12 1-4 That's when King Herod got it into his head to go after some of the church members. He murdered James, John's brother. When he saw how much it raised his popularity ratings with the Jews, he arrested Peter—all this during Passover Week, mind you—and had him thrown in jail, putting four squads of four soldiers each to guard him. He was planning a public lynching after Passover.
5 All the time that Peter was under heavy guard in the jailhouse, the church prayed for him most strenuously.

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