Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Verse of the Day 4/20

Through the Bible - 1 Samuel 29-31, Luke 18:35-19:10
Good morning,
On Sunday evening at 6:59 eastern time Jean and I became grandparents for the second time.  Little Tyler Jeffrey Lutsch came into the world, the child of my daughter Laurie and her husband Jeff.  He was loved immediately.  What a blessing.
For today's verse we'll go to Luke 18 which was yesterday's New Testament reading.
Luke 18:15 People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.    NIV
When little Tyler came into the world, he didn't do anything on his own to earn the love of his parents, grandparents and many others.  He was loved first.
This story is one that is told in each of the gospels.  In Mark it is a picture of Jesus' humility, gentleness, and open welcome to children as they are.  In Matthew it is a message of conversion, where He says 'whoever does not change and become like little children.'
Henry Wansbrough writes, "Luke has yet another lesson.  There is no interest in the spiritual qualities of the candidate for the kingdom, for he says the 'even brought babies to him', using a word which indicates a new born babe.  His interest, therefore, is in the helplessness of the candidate; the candidate can contribute nothing at all.  No one can earn entry into the kingdom.  This passage, then, joins those which surround it: in the previous passage the tax collector in prayer can only plead his lack of qualities and his guilt.  In the following passage we are told that no human being can earn entry into the kingdom."
The Message, below, says that these children, those who come to Him in childlike faith are the kingdom's pride and joy.
My prayer for Tyler is that some day that he would approach the Saviour in simple childlike faith.  May God bring him His faith, hope and love in his life at an early age.  May we not put obstacles in the way.
Thank you Lord for your wonderful gift.
In Christ,
Eph 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace  NIV
Luke 18:15-18
People brought babies to Jesus, hoping he might touch them. When the disciples saw it, they shooed them off. Jesus called them back. "Let these children alone. Don't get between them and me. These children are the kingdom's pride and joy. Mark this: Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in."    (from THE MESSAGE)

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