Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Verse of the Day 9/23

Verse of the Day 9/23


John 18:37-39   "You are a king then?" Pilate asked.

"You say that I'm a king," Jesus replied. "I was born for this, and I have come into the world for this: to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to My voice."
38 "What is truth?" said Pilate.   Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Our small group started watching the Truth Project video series this past weekend, in it Dr. Del Tacket asked a college classroom why, for what purpose did Jesus come to earth.  The answers ranged from to save us from our sins, to redeem us and several others that were all part of His mission.  But gently, Dr. Tackett would answer no.  Finally he pointed to this verse in John 18 for the reason for Jesus coming, "to testify to the truth".  You can picture someone taking the witness stand, bearing witness telling the court about the truth and contrasting what is not true.

Through the ages people have grappled with the truth.  Is it a personal matter, my truth may not be your truth?  Is it up for debate, is a matter of circumstances?  No, when it comes down to it there is one truth and Jesus came to bear witness of it and it is recorded in the Bible , the word of God which is all about the truth.

It is a humbling scene in John 18.  If Jesus were on the stand today in front of various audiences that would question Him, what would their reaction be, most likely it would be like Pilate "what is truth", kind of fluffing it off.  How would our political candidates respond to the question "what is truth"?  I'd love to here that question asked in one of the debates.

The question and challenge for us every day is do we believe that Jesus spoke the truth?  Go through the gospels and read His words, His statements where He says "I tell you the truth", or "truly, truly, I say to you" and see if you have been taking His words to heart to be the truth.  If so, they will change the way you look at the world, you will have a better perspective, based on truth.

May we never easily skim past, or ignore the truth when we encounter it.


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John 18:37-39The Message (MSG)

37 Then Pilate said, "So, are you a king or not?"
Jesus answered, "You tell me. Because I am King, I was born and entered the world so that I could witness to the truth. Everyone who cares for truth, who has any feeling for the truth, recognizes my voice."
38-39 Pilate said, "What is truth?"
Then he went back out to the Jews and told them, "I find nothing wrong in this man. It's your custom that I pardon one prisoner at Passover. Do you want me to pardon the 'King of the Jews'?"

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