Thursday, May 28, 2015

Verse of the Day 5/28

Verse of the Day 5/28

Luke 10:41-42 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” English Standard Version (ESV
We are all given the same amount of one thing, time. We all face the challenge of managing our time wisely, "making the most of it" is to be a top priority. A century ago it was thought that all of the coming technological achievements were going to give people more leisure time, more time to explore, to create and to enjoy life. Instead, it seems that every technological advancement has caused us to be more obsessed with things that distract us from the most important things in our lives.
Today's verses get to the heart of the matter. Two sisters, Mary and Martha. How do they manage their time, what takes priority? Martha is caught up in the here and now, pressing responsibilities with no time for rest or conversation, not even with Jesus. If we were to interject ourselves into this situation, which person would we be Mary or Martha?
We can fill our lives with any number of things and there are limits, only so many hours, so many minutes. We can fill our containers with so many little things like sand that we have no room for the big, important things, those "rocks" the core things. If you take a bucket and fill it with sand there is no room for anything else. But if you put the rocks, the important things in first, the rest of the bucket will get filled in.
These verses may wake us up to the fact that we've been too busy for important things, like Jesus and family relationships. I'm reminded of a Larnell Harris Song, "I Miss My Time With You". It is a one that relates to the story and to all too many of our lives.
I miss my time with you
Those moments together
I need to be with you each day
and it hurt's me when you say
you're too busy
busy trying to serve me
but how can you serve me
When your spirit's empty
there's a longing in my heart
wanting more than just a part of you
it's true
I miss my time with you
Does that describe your life, you're too busy, even in trying to serve God, to spend personal time with Him? What time is spent with God in prayer and in His Word" won't be taken from you." The Message verse 42 below.
James Bryan Smith, in "The Good and Beautiful God" writes, " We must choose between multiple good activities. We simply do not have enough time to do all that we would like to do. When we add too many things to our lives, something must be eliminated. Unfortunately, busy people often rid themselves of the most important ones; relationships, spiritual practices and self care." Let us choose wisely.
Follow the verse of the day at
Luke 10:41-42The Message (MSG)
41-42 The Master said, “Martha, dear Martha, you’re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it’s the main course, and won’t be taken from her.”

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