Thursday, February 4, 2016

Verse of the Day 2/4

Jeremiah 10:23  I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself,

    that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.  English Standard Version (ESV)

As I read this verse in my devotions this morning, the words "direct his steps" caught my attention.  I must have heard the phrase from a pastor in a prayer at one time, most likely many times before, for the Lord to direct our steps.  I've incorporated into my prayers many times at the close of Bible studies or small group meetings.  It is seeking His direction, saying I'll go your way and not my own.

If we look back over our lives we'll probably see that those times when we've gotten off track is when we were trying to guide our own lives and doing it ineffectively.  When we're driving down the road after trying to find someplace on our own and getting lost, we pull out the GPS or use the maps program on our phone, realizing that Siri or whoever is behind  that can get us back on track.  If you've ever done that,  the program you will ask for an address or business and then it will ask you is that where you want to go?  Then it will ask you if you want to go from your current location.

Spiritually, if a person has  been away from God or perhaps has never found the Lord and someone asks them to ask Jesus for  guidance, all too often the response is that they've got to get there life in order first.  It's as if they're saying, God, don't use my current location, I'll get back home on my own and then get directions, or I'll know where I'm going from there.  In doing so, they'll end up still being lost, going in circles and never getting to where they should be.   Why not approach God from where you are, your current location, your position, your situation in life and let Him guide you from there?    Come as you are from where you are, He will take care of the rest and direct your steps to where you need to be.

Are you willing to admit, like the prophet, "I know, God, that mere mortals  can't run their own lives," (The Message)  and I realize that I can't run mine?

Come just as you are
Hear the Spirit call
Come just as you are
Come and see
Come receive
Come and live forever

Life everlasting
Strength for today
Taste the Living Water
And never thirst again   - Crystal Lewis

--   In Christ,  Mike    Folllow the Verse of the Day blog at  Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins,  in accordance with the riches of God's grace.  NIV    

Jeremiah 10:23-25The Message (MSG)

23-25 I know, God, that mere mortals
    can't run their own lives,
That men and women
    don't have what it takes to take charge of life.
So correct us, God, as you see best.
    Don't lose your temper. That would be the end of us.
Vent your anger on the godless nations,
    who refuse to acknowledge you,
And on the people
    who won't pray to you—
The very ones who've made hash out of Jacob,
    yes, made hash
And devoured him whole,
    people and pastures alike.


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