Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Verse of the Day 4/5

Verse of the Day 4/5
Mark 2:17  And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners."   English Standard Version (ESV)
If you were to ask the "average" person on the street to describe themselves, part of the explanation would likely include something like "I'm basically a good person", they're doing all right by their standards, comparing themselves to the other guy, they are in no need of a spiritual overhaul, much less a Savior.  How would we respond to a question about our spiritual well- being?
In this passage Jesus meets Levi, a despised tax collector and sits among a group of fellow tax collectors.  In most peoples' opinion, they would be the people the "average" person would compare themselves to, something like "yes, I may have my faults, but I'm no tax collector".  But yet the passage reveals that the person that Jesus is most concerned with is the one who is aware of his/her shortcomings.  They know that they aren't spiritually healthy, and do need help.  Jesus reached out to that person then and He does today.
Our sin, is a sickness, and we cannot provide the cure for ourselves.  We may feel that we're not that bad off and that we can manage the situation, but in our own efforts there is no hope.  If we are to have hope we must admit our illness, our weaknesses, our sin and turn to a physician, the great physician Jesus.
Anthony J. Carter in his book  "Blood Work: How the Blood of Christ Accomplishes Our Salvation" writes,   "Christ died for those who are "weak," "ungodly," and "sinners." "Weak" speaks to our inability to save ourselves. It indicates that we are without strength and power. It brings to mind someone who is incurably sick. The illness has debilitated him to such a degree that all power of recovery has left him and death is inevitable. He is unable to save himself from this pending end. Jesus declared that these are the ones He came to save"
Do you admit that you are a sinner, that's the first step in becoming Jesus' friend, and what a friend He is "saving, helping, keeping, loving … with me to the end."
Jesus! what a Friend for sinners!
Jesus! Lover of my soul;
Friends may fail me, foes assail me,
He, my Savior, makes me whole.
Hallelujah! what a Savior!
Hallelujah! what a Friend!
Saving, helping, keeping, loving,
He is with me to the end.
Jesus! what a Strength in weakness!
Let me hide myself in Him.
Tempted, tried, and sometimes failing,
He, my Strength, my victory wins.
Jesus! I do now receive Him,
More than all in Him I find.
He hath granted me forgiveness,
I am His, and He is mine.
Mark 2:13-17The Message (MSG)
The Tax Collector
13-14 Then Jesus went again to walk alongside the lake. Again a crowd came to him, and he taught them. Strolling along, he saw Levi, son of Alphaeus, at his work collecting taxes. Jesus said, "Come along with me." He came.
15-16 Later Jesus and his disciples were at home having supper with a collection of disreputable guests. Unlikely as it seems, more than a few of them had become followers. The religion scholars and Pharisees saw him keeping this kind of company and lit into his disciples: "What kind of example is this, acting cozy with the riffraff?"
17 Jesus, overhearing, shot back, "Who needs a doctor: the healthy or the sick? I'm here inviting the sin-sick, not the spiritually-fit."
 Follow the verse of the day at mikesvotd.blogspot.com

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