Thursday, January 26, 2017

Verse of the Day 1/26

Verse of the Day 1/26

Verse of the Day 1/26   
Proverbs 4:20-21   My son, be attentive to my words;
    incline your ear to my sayings.
21 Let them not escape from your sight;
    keep them within your heart.  English Standard Version (ESV)
Aaron Geoffrey several years ago put out  a song by the title "He Is" which went through each book of the  Bible reviewing the names of God, both written and unwritten through the  Bible, both Old  and New Testaments.  It is a powerful song which impacted me from the  day that  I heard it.  For the book of Proverbs the  song  referred to God as "wisdom's cry".  Reading through the book of Proverbs written  by Solomon, wisdom calls out to God's people from His written Word.
We've recently considered how  important  it  is to carve  out  some  time each day to spend time  with God in His Word, in prayer and pondering what it means to us and what He would have us to do,  how  we should live,  and apply His word.  Today's  verses from  Proverbs have wisdom's cry, God's Word calling  us to "be attentive" to pay attention to His Word, to "incline our ears",  to lean into it, understand it  and adhere to it.  We are also  to keep it in front of us, not letting it  "escape" from our sight.  If you ever had a small pet  like a hamster or something similar, if you took it  out of its cage you would have to keep your eyes on it and grab hold  of it at times or  it   would escape you.  So it is with God's  word, you need  to keep it in front  of you,  lay your  hands, eyes and  heart on it.  Not that it would escape on its own  but rather that we would not forget it.  If it is stored  in our hearts  it will be accessible when we need it, when we want it, unlike some pets that escaped never to be seen again.
Read the short passage from  The Message below.  I like  the way Eugene Peterson puts it,  "Those who discover these words live, really live;  body and soul, they're bursting with health", spiritual health.
Carve out and spend time with God.  Read through  the Bible, discover who "He is" in each book and  page you read.  Listen to and for "wisdom's cry".
Proverbs 4:20-22The Message (MSG)
Learn It by Heart
20-22 Dear friend, listen well to my words;
    tune your ears to my voice.
Keep my message in plain view at all times.
    Concentrate! Learn it by heart!
Those who discover these words live, really live;
    body and soul, they're bursting with health.

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