Thursday, October 15, 2015

Verse of the Day 10/15

Verse of the Day 10/15

Hebrews 4:16 Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.  English Standard Version (ESV)

What are some of the things that we might need help with today?  It could be a nagging illness/ailment, a heavy workload, a wayward child, finances or a host of other issues.  Do we take them to the Lord or do we have the attitude of a toddler "I do myself"?  All too often we take the second route and try to do things on our own in our own power with all too familiar results.  As we do this and we find things aren't going right and deadlines approach or relationships continue to strain we worry.  It is a downward spiral.

Max Lucado writes, "worry gives small problems big shadows... worry scuttles our lives, hurts us, and most sadly, dishonors God.... Worry wages war on your faith.  You know that.  You hate to worry.  But what can you do to stop it? No one can pray and worry at the same time.  When we worry, we aren't praying.  When we pray we aren't worrying."

Lucado identifies three things that can stop the worrying.  As we have just read - pray.  The other two are "want less" and "live for today".  Much of our worrying has to do with our wants and what will happen tomorrow.  Pray, trust God, let Him handle tomorrow and help you through the day.  Start it by drawing near to the throne of grace and pray.  Don't let the opportunity "slip through your fingers" (The Message).


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Hebrews 4:16The Message (MSG)

The High Priest Who Cried Out in Pain

14-16 Now that we know what we have—Jesus, this great High Priest with ready access to God—let's not let it slip through our fingers. We don't have a priest who is out of touch with our reality. He's been through weakness and testing, experienced it all—all but the sin. So let's walk right up to him and get what he is so ready to give. Take the mercy, accept the help.

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