Friday, May 7, 2010

Verse of the Day 5/7

Through the Bible - 1 Kings 17-18, John 2
Good morning,
The New Testament reading (above) is now moving into the book of John.  I hope to spend several weeks going through some of the verses of this amazing book.
The book of John seems to have a limited vocabulary with several words  being repeated again and again; words such as look, see, witness, know, believe, have faith, world, glory, remain, and abide.  There are also many contrasting pairs of words; light and darkness, truth and falsehood, life and death, love and hate, and father and son.
Richard Burridge points out that "the sentences tend to be short, but they build on each other in steps and stairs and spirals, connecting and reconnecting."
My wife and I were visiting our daughters church in Illinois last weekend and the pastor referenced Psalm 86:10 in his sermon.  It seemed fitting for an introduction into the book of John.
Ps 86:10 For you are great and perform wonderful deeds.
You alone are God.
11 Teach me your ways, O Lord,
that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
so that I may honor you.  NLT

As we go through the book of John we'll see Jesus perform many miracles and wonderful deeds.  We'll see how he taught the disciples and others and still teaches us.  We will see what truth is and how our desire should be to live accordingly.  In this diverse culture may we maintain purity of heart that we may honor HIm.
Burridge writes, "this gospel was very familiar with the multi faith, multi cultural world of the eastern Mediterranean in the first century.  It was a real melting pot because of the Romans' deliberate policy of bringing all the countries and peoples together in one empire of peace and easy communications.  Probably nothing has been like it again until today's global village.  Just like today, lots of ideas and beliefs are circulating and being mixed together and their effect can be seen in the (this) gospel."
You can't help but notice today's "global village" as you watch the news and see what is going on all around us.  Join me in reading through John this month and see how the Lord walked through the global village then.  May it prepare us to walk and live in today's global village in a way that would honor Him.
In Christ,
Eph 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace  NIV
John 1:1-6
The Eternal Word
(Gen 1:1-2:3)
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. 4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.     NKJV

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