Monday, September 13, 2010

Verse of the Day 9/13

Good morning,
A few weeks ago I was mowing the lawn while listening to Bruce Springsteen's "Glory Days".  The song, especially mentioning a kid who used to blow the speedball by you reminded me of day's playing little league baseball.  I loved baseball, was a pitcher (though I couldn't blow my fastball past many) and to a certain extent there were some "glory days" playing on tournament teams and such.
Many of us have had something, a sport, music, or something else that we may have excelled at in high school college and who knows, maybe even professionally.  But at some point, in our lives, the glory, at least our own fades.
 For today's verse we'll go to Psalm 63
 Psalm 63:2  I have seen you in your sanctuary
      and gazed upon your power and glory.
 3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
      how I praise you!  NKJV
When we realize that our glory fades quickly, hopefully we will find that we can glory in One whose glory never fades. 
This past weekend in our worship service and in our "Crossings" youth services we sang the song "From the Inside Out"
A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
And should I stumble again
Still I'm caught in your grace

Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame

My heart and my soul, I give You control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise, become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Your will above all else, my purpose remains
The art of losing myself in bringing you praise

Everlasting, Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending, Your glory goes beyond all fame

My heart, my soul, Lord I give you control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

All too often when our "glory days" are long gone, parents will try to achieve it in and through there kids.  There's nothing wrong with having your kids involved in sports or other activities, but we should make it a constant aim and goal that they come to know at an early age the One whose glory doesn't fade, and glory in Him.
May we glory in Him forever.

Psalm 63 (New Living Translation)

Psalm 63:1-5

A psalm of David, regarding a time when David was in the wilderness of Judah.
 1 O God, you are my God;
      I earnestly search for you.
   My soul thirsts for you;
      my whole body longs for you
   in this parched and weary land
      where there is no water.
 2 I have seen you in your sanctuary
      and gazed upon your power and glory.
 3 Your unfailing love is better than life itself;
      how I praise you!

 4 I will praise you as long as I live,
      lifting up my hands to you in prayer.
 5 You satisfy me more than the richest feast.
      I will praise you with songs of joy.

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