Friday, December 6, 2013

Verse of the Day 12/6

Psalm 103:3-5  He forgives all your sin;
He heals all your diseases.
He redeems your life from the Pit;
He crowns you with faithful love and compassion.
He satisfies you[a] with goodness;
your youth is renewed like the eagle.  Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
Yesterday we considered that the gift of Jesus is the gift that keeps giving.  He is a gift offered to all mankind if they would only receive the gift.
Today's passage in Psalm 103 begins with the call to "forget not all his benefits".  In today's verses we have some of those benefits.  He forgives, He heals, He redeems, He rewards, He satisfies, and He renews.  Wow, that is a lot to be thankful for and this is just the beginning of His gifts, His blessings.  It would be tragic to pass up any of those gifts. 
I am sure that at some point someone has asked you what you want for Christmas.   Your response indicates a need or desire and the one who is asking may be the one who can provide it.  So it is with God, but all too often we fail to ask, we fail to seek.  May it not be so with us today and in this season.
This brought me to the familiar verse in Matthew 7 in Jesus' sermon on the mount. The verbs used in this verse indicates a continual action "keep seeking, keep asking, and keep knocking". 

7 "Keep asking,and it will be given to you. Keep searching, and you will find. Keep knocking, and the door will be opened to you.  Matthew 7:7  Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)

As we consider all "his benefits", may we keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking for "every one" of them this season and through our years.
In Christ,
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Eph 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace  NIV

Psalm 103:1-5

The Message (MSG)

A David Psalm

1-2 O my soul, bless God.
    From head to toe, I'll bless his holy name!
O my soul, bless God,
    don't forget a single blessing!

3-5 He forgives your sins—every one.
    He heals your diseases—every one.
    He redeems you from hell—saves your life!
    He crowns you with love and mercy—a paradise crown.
    He wraps you in goodness—beauty eternal.
    He renews your youth—you're always young in his presence.

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