Saturday, March 4, 2017

Verse of the Day 3/4

Verse of the Day 3/4

Isaiah 30:21 And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it," when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.    English Standard Version (ESV)

I read today's verse the other day and thought that it went well with what we've been considering in the book of Deuteronomy.  It deals with "walking in the way" and turning to the right or to the left of the path as we will invariably do from time to time.  Looking back in our lives we can probably identify times where were off the right path and God's Word or His Spirit brought a verse to our minds that literally spoke to us and put us back on the right path.  It is a reminder again of that "still small voice".

David Jeremiah writes, "Isaiah likened this to hearing a word behind us, whispering directions for the pathway ahead. In making your decisions, read the Bible, pray for guidance, use your best judgment, and trust the Lord. He will lead you in the right path." Elsewhere we read that the Lord will go before you (Deut. 1:30) preparing the way for us.  Our responsibility is to faithfully listen for that whisper, that still small voice, to act upon it and follow His leading.

  1. He leadeth me, O blessed thought!
    O words with heav'nly comfort fraught!
    Whate'er I do, where'er I be
    Still 'tis God's hand that leadeth me.
    • Refrain:
      He leadeth me, He leadeth me,
      By His own hand He leadeth me;
      His faithful foll'wer I would be,
      For by His hand He leadeth me.
  2. Sometimes 'mid scenes of deepest gloom,
    Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom,
    By waters still, o'er troubled sea,
    Still 'tis His hand that leadeth me.
  3. "Cry for help and you'll find it's grace and more grace. The moment he hears, he'll answer."  (Isaiah 30:19 The Message)
--   In Christ,  Mike    Folllow the Verse of the Day blog at  Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins,  in accordance with the riches of God's grace.  NIV    

Isaiah 30:21-22The Message (MSG)

19-22 Oh yes, people of Zion, citizens of Jerusalem, your time of tears is over. Cry for help and you'll find it's grace and more grace. The moment he hears, he'll answer. Just as the Master kept you alive during the hard times, he'll keep your teacher alive and present among you. Your teacher will be right there, local and on the job, urging you on whenever you wander left or right: "This is the right road. Walk down this road." You'll scrap your expensive and fashionable god-images. You'll throw them in the trash as so much garbage, saying, "Good riddance!"


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