Sunday, October 7, 2012

Verse of the Day 10/7

Revelation 22:20   He who testifies about these things says, "Yes, I am coming quickly."
Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!   (HCSB)
This morning in church we sang the song "Come By Here" by Shawn Groves.  I have the CD, so I had heard it several times before.  But seeing the words on the screen, a few of the lines drew my attention more than just hearing them being sung, especially "come an lift our lame, that we may limp no more, that we may want no more.
Come, come and meet us here

Come and touch our tears

That we may weep no more

Come, come and meet our pain

Come and lift our lame

That we may limp no more

Come that we may want no more
Come, we have nothing else God

And having You we want for nothing
This past year my dad went home to be with the Lord.  He was born with a birth defect that caused him to limp all of his life.  My son Jeff became disabled after a car accident.  He cannot walk in his own power, and even with support each step requires thought, effort and dependence on someone else to help him.  Both situations could leave someone feeling that life is not fair and to dwell on those things.  Neither my dad or Jeff ever have.  They have been two people that have displayed a positive attitude in spite of life's circumstances.  The reason they have been able to do so is their faith in God, their "blessed assurance" of restoration, resurrection, and new life.
For those of us who remain here to battle with our pains and struggles we can ask Jesus to meet us hear to calm our fears and touch our tears.  We can also look forward to a day when we will be made whole, we won't be lame or walk with a limp or any other physical ailment that we live with.
The Bible tells us that no one knows when He will return to call us home, but He does say that He is coming quickly.  Are you ready in your heart to say, come, Lord Jesus?
In Christ,
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Eph 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace  NIV

Revelation 22:19-21 Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
19 And if anyone takes away from the words of this prophetic book, God will take away his share of the tree of life and the holy city, written in this book.
20 He who testifies about these things says, "Yes, I am coming quickly."
Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!
21 The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints. Amen.

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