Thursday, October 16, 2014

Verse of the Day 10/16


Exodus 33:13  Now therefore, if I have found favor in your sight, please show me now your ways, that I may know you in order to find favor in your sight. Consider too that this nation is your people."  English Standard Version (ESV)

One of my favorite Third Day songs for many years has been "Show Me Your Glory".  It comes from later in this chapter in Exodus.  The song calls for God to "send down His presence" and show us His glory.  I'm sure that many of us have sung that song with emotion at times when we've needed His presence in our lives.
What should not be overlooked however, is that in this chapter and in today's verse we see the heart of Moses.  With his life he is seeking God's favor, seeking and calling out for His guidance and direction - that he may know God.  He also desires those same things for his nation, other people.  It is for more than his own personal benefit.   It is one thing to call out to God "show me your glory" for the thrill, for the experience of it, it is another to do it from a heart that is "following hard after God", that desires that closer relationship, that desires to do His will and to follow "to the journey's end".  (The Message v.14).
Yesterday we considered "His benefits" and how, many of them, come to us through His Word.  Through it may we get to know Him better, show us His ways and from a humble heart sing "show me your glory".
Follow the verse of the day at

Exodus 33:12-14The Message (MSG)

12-13 Moses said to God, "Look, you tell me, 'Lead this people,' but you don't let me know whom you're going to send with me. You tell me, 'I know you well and you are special to me.' If I am so special to you, let me in on your plans. That way, I will continue being special to you. Don't forget, this is your people, your responsibility."
14 God said, "My presence will go with you. I'll see the journey to the end."

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