Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Verse of the Day 5/7


Jeremiah 15:16  When I discovered your words, I devoured them.
    They are my joy and my heart's delight,
for I bear your name,
    O Lord God of Heaven's Armies.  New Living Translation (NLT)

What do you think of God's Word, how important is it to you, how does it impact your life?  These are all important questions for a Christian, a Christ follower.  Are His Words food for you, necessary to live your life?
"Blessed Lord, who has caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: grant that we may ...hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that by patience, and comfort of (Your) holy Word, we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life."  (from the Book of Common Prayer, commissioned by King James).
Take a look at the words above - hear, read, mark, learn, and digest.  Would they describe your attention, commitment and desire for God and His Word?
Many of us mark up our Bibles as we read them.  One of the things that I've appreciated about technology over the past few months has been an electronic version of my study Bible.  It allows you to take all kinds of notes, to cut and paste quotes or references.  They are becoming more and more helpful to me not only in reading, and learning but for sharing.  Today's verse and quote are an example.  I wouldn't have had that in the margin of my "hard copy" Bible, but with the electronic versions we can mark them all we want.
I read the following from Psalm 48 this morning, it made me think of the verse from Jeremiah.  May we walk through God's word, taking notes, touring the majesty, learning so that we may tell others, future generations, - what God is like.
Psalm 48:12-14 Go, inspect the city of Jerusalem.[a]
    Walk around and count the many towers.
13 Take note of the fortified walls,
    and tour all the citadels,
that you may describe them
    to future generations.
14 For that is what God is like.
    He is our God forever and ever,
    and he will guide us until we die.  New Living Translation (NLT)
In Christ,
Follow the Verse of the Day blog at http://mikesvotd.blogspot.com
Eph 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God's grace  NIV

Jeremiah 15:15-17

English Standard Version (ESV)

15 O Lord, you know;
    remember me and visit me,
    and take vengeance for me on my persecutors.
In your forbearance take me not away;
    know that for your sake I bear reproach.
16 Your words were found, and I ate them,
    and your words became to me a joy
    and the delight of my heart,
for I am called by your name,
    O Lord, God of hosts.
17 I did not sit in the company of revelers,
    nor did I rejoice;
I sat alone, because your hand was upon me,
    for you had filled me with indignation.

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